Yesterday, Marvel (forcibly) released the HD trailer for The Avengers: Age of Ultron after a leak of the trailer happened hours prior. During one shot of the trailer it shows Andy Serkis (Lord of the Rings, Planet of the Apes). Now while it isn't revealed what character the actor is playing many have come to speculate he maybe playing Black Panther villain Ulysses Klaw.
This would be once again another hint that Marvel is going to introduce the King of Wakanda someday in their cinematic universe. We already had one small hint in Iron Man 2 and with part of Avengers 2 being placed within Africa it would make sense. Of course Marvel has yet to even announce a Black Panther movie is in the works...
Last we heard Chadwick Boseman (42, Get On Up) was Marvel choice for T'Challa aka Black Panther but that has yet to be confirmed. Even though the actor smiles every time he is asked about Black Panther....
The Avengers: Age of Ultron hits May 2015