Today Batman-on-Film released a small nugget that Warner Brothers has recently completed a "Batman Heavy" teaser trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice:
According to a few of BOF’s BvS insiders, the first teaser trailer for the film is complete and ready to go. The overt hint I got from these folks is that the teaser will be revealed this Fall along with a November or December film release (and online, of course). I have no idea to which specific film it may be “attached,” but New Line’s (which is Warner Bros.’ sister company) THE HOBBIT: THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES is being released on December 17, 2014.It's possible the trailer may drop as early as two weeks with Christopher Nolans highly anticipated Interstellar as well as Warner Brothers Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies which is out in December. Of course with this only being a rumor don't get your hopes up to high....
By the way Batman fans, I’ve heard that this teaser is “Batman heavy.”
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits March 2016