You read that title correctly. It seems that Warner Brothers may have created an entire bogus script for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice to throw off nerd bloggers from getting correct scoops! Just yesterday we learned from Latino-Review that Amanda Waller is expected to make an appearance in Batman v Superman. Well, today the guys over at Badass Digest believe they have gotten their hands on the same script Latino-Review claims to have...but says it has way to many red flags to be legit:
"I trust El Mayimbe's network and the other information he has beyond this script, but something about the actual script itself - whether it be the errors or the cascading fan-service (Kord Industries, Jason Todd, a Shuster Street in Metropolis, Kyle Rayner, Carrie Kelley, Thanagar, mentioning Hob's Bay, the President is named Diane Nelson, who just happens to be the president of DC Entertainment) or the fact that tonally it is nothing like Man of Steel (Themyscira has an embassy in Metropolis!) forces me to remain humbly skeptical. If this is the script then Warner Bros has learned some lessons from their last couple of movies, although I worry the sheer weight of fan service in this script could crush the film."Just the fact WB would even consider Kyle Raynor over a new Hal Jordan, John Stewart or even Guy Gardner is the biggest red flag. Let alone bringing Carrie Kelley into the cinematic universe given she was never even apart of the main DC Comics timeline and was only in The Dark Knight Returns graphic novel. Of course Badass Digest can't confirm the script but just points out the red flags....
Now they even go onto speculate that Kevin Smith himself is the one who wrote the bogus script in favor to WB and has since been planted for sites to pick up and report false scoops. One other possibility is that it's actually Will Bealls mysterious Justice League script from early 2012 that has never seen the light of day but was thrown out by Warner Brothers for being so terrible.
If WB really went out of their way to make a fake screenplay...I say bravo WB bravo. You've officially punk'd the internet just as bad as when Justin Beiber claimed to be Robin in Batman vs Superman.
Batman v Superman hits May 2016