This unfortunate Sony hack seems to be the gift that keeps on giving. Mashable seems to have also gotten some leaked Sony emails between Sony Pictures head Amy Pascal and producer Matt Tolmach questioning how Spider-Man could have fit into Captain America: Civil War:
"I love introducing PP [Peter Parker] in Cap but I know it comes with so many things since we won't give them what they want what will we give them? We can say it's a cameo but I'll bet it's more and will involve some of his world and it will be peter and spidey right,"This of course is referring to Marvel wanting creative control of one of their most beloved and profitable characters since his introduction in the comics. Amy Pascal also goes onto write a memo to herself on some logistical issues and questions she would need to ask Marvel Studios and Sony for this to work:
"If we have Spider-Man in Cap 3 [Civil War], What is our fee and our back end? [We would] need script approval, casting approval of Spider-Man and Aunt May and consultation of Mays house in Queens [New York] and any other Spiderman locations we may need in future movies. Also approval of new Spider-Man costume. How long is he is the movie? How closely does it follow the Civil War story line? Does the world find out who Spider-Man is? Are there any other characters from the Spider-Man universe they are using? Can we use one of the Marvel characters in our future Spider-Man movies not produced by Marvel? Can we use Captain America to set up Sinister Six? Can Drew [Goddard] work with The Russo Brothers to get this done? Are we renting him out?"She goes onto to ask other question regarding a new director and current producers Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach:
Would we have to dismantle Sinister Six?Can Drew Goddard write the Spider-Man original? Who would direct the Spider-Man movie? What do we do with Matt Tolmach and Avi Arad? They can not put Spidey in future Spider-Man movies or team ups. We need to keep animation rights for a theatrical release Spider-man movie to be directed by Lord and Miller. We need to be able to make Spider-Man movies after this movie we need to be able to make the girl team up movie. Is it possible to put Spidey in worlds without other characters once he is with Iron Man and Captain America? Can we have him in Cap 3 and then 6 months later in Sinister Six? We get to make future movies with our characters and theirs in a collaborative way but we dont need their approval.Marvel produces a bunch of Spider-Man movies for Sony the way they do for Disney....all spiderman dominant movie are financed and marketed by us even though Disney will have the merch on everything. We can put the Marvel and even Disney logo on ours if we can put Sony on theirs.The site also goes onto reveal that back several months ago before talks even began with Marvel Sony became quite displeased with their star Andrew Garfield after his comments that the producers and company sort of ruined The Amazing Spider-Man 2. He also apparently stood of Sony CEO Kaz Hirai at a fundraiser which allegedly got himself fired from future Spider-Man movies:
"His absence (with less than an hour of notice) was seen as an affront and slight by the company's Tokyo bosses,"Then that's when we had heard The Amazing Spider-Man 3 was being pushed back to 2018 and a soft-reboot with a new actor may happen with The Sinister Six. All because of his comments about the company. Then it seemed that's when Sony and Marvel began talks about once again rebooting the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since it seemed Garfield was out of the picture anyway.
Stay tuned as this story develops....remember Sony could always accept a deal with Marvel come January during the Spidey Summit.