Dear Readers of Superhero Movie News,
I’m writing to let you know that I am changing my focus for the episode reviews of the CW’s “The FLASH” and “ARROW.” Where I was previously writing with a description of each scene I will now be writing with a focus on only the major plot points and an overall analysis of the character development happening in the episodes.
Why am I doing that? Glad you asked!
First I must admit that I have a crapload of time constraints in my life right now. It’s simply not working out to spend 4-6 hours a week in the writing of something that isn’t getting me my degree. I have papers due which need that time.
Secondly I feel that there are already plenty of other websites out there which already do that same thing. So if you want a scene-by-scene recap you can get one easy as pie.
Thirdly, and most importantly, I feel that I am not writing with my own voice as I should be. I want my personal style to shine through in these episode reviews and that’s not really happening right now.
So how will this change up the episode reviews? Well it will make them shorter! And yet all the juicy bits will still be there. You’ll know all about the major “aha!” moments, the character/relationship developments, and the foreshadowing which is occurring in each episode.
You’ll stay up to date on the nefarious Dr. Wells from the future and what he’s all about, what Atom might be getting himself into, and all the heartbreak which the CW is known for. Plus you will get a dose of humor because that’s what this is all about – entertainment.
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the articles to come!
Jared Juetten
*Images Copyright CW entertainment