Several years back it was revealed that up and coming actress Jessica Chastain was being eyed for the role of Black Widow in Iron Man 2 but it eventually went to Scarlet Johannson. Then she was once again being eyed for the role of Maya Hanson in Iron Man 3 but due to shielding conflict she could not appear in that Marvel film either. Well now while promoting her latest film Interstellar the actress reveals to MTV she has met with Marvel again for a future hero!
“We’ve talked about aligning our forces in the future. And here’s the thing with me… If you’re going to be in a superhero movie, you only get one chance. You’re that character forever. So why do a superhero movie and play the boring civilian? Whatever it is, I want a fight scene. I could be an incredible villain. I could be a hero. I want a cool outfit, and I want to kick ass. There was thing...I don’t want to say too much – but there was one thing, there was a possibility in the future of the character becoming… And I was like, ‘I understand that, but I want to do it now.’"Then MTV mentioned the lead-female role of Carol Danvers in the recently announced Captain Marvel movie which she replied:
"Yes I do know about that. Listen, that’s 2018. We don’t know where we’ll be, maybe I’ll give up acting by then.”Now while this is true the character has long been rumored to appear in The Avengers: Age of Ultron so she still could appear as Carol Danvers in that film before her own spin-off film....
:: Mini Update :: Apparently she was just speaking about her missed role in Iron Man 3...
Oops uh oh....I've never had talks about Captain Marvel. Was referring to a different film from over a year ago, in my recent MTV interview.
— Jessica Chastain (@jes_chastain) November 4, 2014
Captain Marvel is set to hit in 2018