Today TV Guide debuted an exclusive banner that will be sold at San Diego Comic-Con. It features a mash up of ABC's two Marvel shows Agent's of S.H.I.E.L.D which returns this Fall and Agent Carter which will debut in 2015:

As you notice you see
Deputy Director Roger Hooley: A hardworking, principled older man and Peggy’s boss. As you might expect, he’s bothered by ongoing problems in his personal life as well as the challenges of his day job.
Agent Jack Thompson: 30-something. Handsome and damn well knows it. The polar opposite of Dooley, he doesn’t take kindly to women in the workplace, nor how little recognition he gets. Worse, he wants Dooley’s job and is desperate to prove himself.
Edward Hutchins: A highly professional agent with an unusual problem; duplicity. He’s lying to his wife about what he does to stop her worrying. True Lies, SHIELD style.
Daniel Sousa: Everything Jack Thompson wants to be. He’s a war hero who walks using a leg brace, but finds dealing with office politics to be harder than working around his injury. Sousa is also a fiercely honourable, gentle man and we’re betting he becomes one of Peggy’s major allies.
Angie Martinelli: Automat waitress, Angie dreams of being a singer. She’s a tough, compassionate young woman who is smart and loyal and seems set to be Peggy’s anchor to the world away from SHIELD.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D returns this Fall on ABC; Agent Carter debuts in 2015