Last September before the reboot was even announced Max Landis had a Reddit Q & A where he reveals that he has a secret superhero project coming soon but couldn't speak of it. When asked about it he simply replied "You'll See"
For several months the screenwriter via his Twitter hinted at a possible Power Rangers reboot.
Yo the new Ninja Turtles commercial looks AWESOME! Did not expect to be this giddy. Now when's someone rebooting Power Rangers?
— Max Landis (@Uptomyknees) March 27, 2014
Then the news two weeks ago dropped that Lionsgate is rebooting Power Rangers finally for the big screen in which he replied:
hm. power rangers needs a reboot you say. *quietly ducks into phone booth*
— Max Landis (@Uptomyknees) May 10, 2013
When asked if he is actually going to write the new movie he cryptically denies the claim:
A lot of people tweeting me about Power Rangers. As of now, I am not involved. Whether I have been involved or will be involved again, "?"
— Max Landis (@Uptomyknees) May 7, 2014
When I saw these tweets I thought nothing of them. Just Max Landis being Max Landis. Now, today Schmoes Know got a tip on who maybe getting tapped to pen the upcoming reboot for Lionsgate Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. It's none other then Chronicle screenwriter Max Landis! While his denial is still active last week he retweeted their link which is suspicious then added:
I gotta stop jumping up and yelling "YEAH!" when I sell pitches, it scares the shit out of people
— Max Landis (@Uptomyknees) May 14, 2014