Like every film that comes out, only certain critics and journalists get to see the film first. With that privilege they have to keep their mouths shut until a certain date and time until they may speak on the film. Well the embargo has indeed lifted on FOX upcoming monster X-Men film X-Men: Days of Future Past. Here is the first reactions on Twitter...
P.S Quicksilver seems to be a major hit...
Geeking out! Saw #XmenDaysOfFuturePast - Mind = officially blown! - Insane emotion/action! Every performance is awesome! Fav #XMen flick!!!
— Kevin McCarthy (@KevinMcCarthyTV) May 8, 2014
I'll say this about #XmenDaysOfFuturePast: The third act is a hell of a good time. And Quicksilver is a big highlight.
— Eric Walkuski (@ericwalkuski) May 8, 2014
Saw X-Men: DOFP & it was really good! In opinion its the best X-Men movie so far but that's just me. It was like Avengers but with Mutants.
— LatinoReview-Kel (@Latinoreview) May 8, 2014
X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST is great. Film finds a way to make both casts work & Quicksilver...wow. His main scene is highlight of the film.
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) May 8, 2014
Wow! #DaysofFuturePast was so good! Definitely the best X-Men movie so far. And that's all you need to know...go see it! #XMen @XMenMovies
— Paul Salfen (@paulsalfen) May 8, 2014
1st I heard "Don't tweet" then later "Tweet only reactions, no spoilers" so I'll say this: It's basically the #XMen film I've always wanted.
— Ajay Fry (@AjayFry) May 8, 2014
Also stay till the end of X-Men: Days of Future Past. Its worth it.
— LatinoReview-Kel (@Latinoreview) May 8, 2014
and like all Marvel movies... make sure you stay till the end of the X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST credits. It's def worth it.
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) May 8, 2014
X-Men: Days of Future Past smashes into theaters May 23rd