Hey U Guys caught up with X-Men producer Lauren Shuler Donner about the future of X-Films. She of course told us Channing Tatum has been signed to play Gambit in X-Men: Apocalypse as well as his own spin-off. She then goes onto admit after the timeline events of X-Men: Days of Future Past you can literally forget X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine ever existed!
“Yes, it will be putting that right, Just forget about X-3! And the first Wolverine; forget about that too!”
But then where does that leave our Merc with a Mouth who was butchered in X-Men Origins? Well, again she reiterates the rating is an issue. She is trying to push for a Hard-R but if they can't get the studio to back it they will move forward with a hard PG-13 version. Maybe they can do both with the R-rating saved for DVD & Blu Ray?
“We so want to make it. We’re getting there. I think it will, but one thing now is the rating. If we make it a smaller budget movie, we can go for the R-Rating. If not, then we push the boundaries of PG-13 which is alright too. We just don’t want to saturate the market to the point where it’s just not special anymore.”
The plan RT @RobFalcione: @robertliefeld I think a gritty, pulp Deadpool could be done for 40-50 million.
— robertliefeld (@robertliefeld) May 13, 2014