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    Tuesday, November 12, 2013

    Did Vin Diesel Turn Down the Role of 'Lex Luthor' for 'Kane & Lynch' ?

    No this is not at all a potential casting rumor but something that coulda happened. Last week news broke that Vin Diesel and Gerard Butler had been cast in the upcoming Kane & Lynch video game turned movie adaption of the same name. Well today I received an e-mail via a user named 'Barnes' who claims to have been an extra on the set of Fast & Furious 7 for 3 days and learned something new.

    According to Barnes while working on the set of Fast 7 a stunt coordinator had lunch with him and a few other extras and told them that Vin Diesel had been offered two upcoming roles. For either Kane & Lynch or Man of Steel 2. Diesel was deciding which he wanted to do since both film scheduling is at the same exact time. Barnes goes on to hypothesized that it may have been for Lex Luthor but he wasn't entirely sure.

     Now since obviously we learned that Vin Disel did indeed go with Kane & Lynch over Man of Steel 2 there is really no reason to make much out of this. But it would be interesting to see if  Zack Snyder was going after a Vin Diesel in his upcoming epic Batman vs Superman. That be alot of testosterone....

    Never-the-less Batman vs Superman is still looking for its Lex Luthor....

    Batman vs Superman hits July 2015

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