Hot off our The Mummy Reboot plot details exclusive we at Superhero Movie News have gotten our hands on the James Bond-esque prequel Section 6 written by Aaron Berg. This script is currently in-dispute between Universal and MGM over the likenesses used in the screenplay from the James Bond franchise. The story follows the creation of MI-6 the secret British agency that eventually trains James Bond to become 007.
But where did it all start? Here is some plot and character details on the film:
The opening scene says "The secret origins of MI-6...based on declassified events"
In the shadow of the First World War during 1918 army vet Alec Duncan is recruited by Mansfield Cumming of the British Foreign Intelligence to stop Nikola Gronzy after the mistaken assassination of a Russian officer in Petrograd, Russia.Alec Duncan - 20s, Former well-awarded member of the Army
Matthew Westmore - 20s, Facially deformed, Vet of the Military,Wears a tin mask to hide scars
George Mansfield Cumming - 50s, Chief director of MI-1, British Foreign Intelligence, Films version of M
Prime Minister David Lloyd George - Prime Minister of Great Britain
Young Winston Churchill - 43, Newly Appointed Secretary of War
Nikola Grozny - 30s, Imperious Bolshevik for the Cheka Secret Police, Precursor to the KGB
It was already revealed that Joe Cornish (Attack the Block) is set to direct with Jack O'Connell set to star (Presumably now as Alec Duncan). It's unknown if this film will ever get off the ground due to MGM suing Universal.
Section 6 release date has yet to-be-announced