Yesterday, Bleeding Cool ran a scoop that Superman's cousin Kara Zor-el aka Supergirl was being developed for television. Now while Bleeding Cool can be a hit or miss when it comes to scoops we decided not to run the story until more information comes forth. Well, earlier today E! News confirmed the scoop stating that Warner Brothers is shopping around the networks for the show after The CW (Who already has Flash & Arrow) turned them down.
Now the show is in very early development so it's unknown what network could pick up the series. With Constantine at NBC and Gotham at FOX it shouldn't be to hard to find a home for Supergirl. My only question is where is that Young Justice series that was rumored months ago? That's a teen superhero drama that would fit perfectly into The CW's demographic if not Supergirl.
:: Update :: - Deadline has also confirmed this story but makes it clear Michael Green is not involved with the project at all. That actually Arrow & The Flash showrunner Greg Berlanti will be helming the project alongside Ali Alder. No name has been given to the project and it will be a new iteration of the classic Supergirl storyline.