Today, IGN caught up with the head-honcho of Marvel Studios Kevin Feige to talk once again about Marvel films! Shocker. The President reveals that he gets asked more about Black Panther and Ms.Marvel/Captain Marvel then Iron Man 4 or The Avengers 3 in terms of being developed. He does admit that they both are in development.
Last we heard on Black Panther was that Chadwick Boseman (42, Get On Up) was being sought after to play the King of Wakanda. While on the flip side Ms.Marvel is expected to make some type of cameo in The Avengers: Age of Ultron.
rumor I've been hearing is that before Nicole Perlman exited the Marvel screenwriters program, she may have written a draft for CAP MARVEL
— Christopher Marc (@_ChristopherM) August 19, 2014
but.. it's unknown if it was a full script or just an outline.. also just rumblings
— Christopher Marc (@_ChristopherM) August 19, 2014
it's now extremely possible that BLACK PANTHER could hit May 2017 and CAPTAIN MARVEL sometime in 2018.. get stoked folks!
— Christopher Marc (@_ChristopherM) August 19, 2014