Every other year Michael Bay puts out a Transformers film that's simply gobbled up by the public even if its crucified by critics. With the most recent Transformers film Age of Extinction reaching over 1 Billion dollars worldwide and his other produced film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles getting less then 20% on Rotten Tomatoes but getting the number 1 spot at the box office and having part 2 already greenlit. Bottom line is that Bay sells....
But, now in a recent interview with USA Today the director reveals that he may pass the baton of director to someone new.
Bay, 49, believes he will pass the baton for future Transformer movies to a new director while he turns his focus elsewhere.“There’s kind of a new chapter, a new direction in movies I want to make,” says Bay, who is eyeing a passion project, a documentary on elephant poaching. “I have a lot of stories to tell. And it’s about flexing new muscles.”Now does this mean he will pass it off for Transformers 5 or 6? That is unknown but it is noting he also said he wasn't going to return for Transformers: Age of Extinction and we know how that ended up....
Now SlashFilm did speak with longtime Transformers producer Lorenzo diBonaventura earlier this year and revealed he hopes Bay returns:
I wouldn’t wanna be [the filmmaker who tapes over], but there will be somebody. I think the opportunity’s too great. My suspicion is, without having thought really about it at all, cause I really want Michael to return, I think Michael’s found the right mix for this franchise. So the sense of humor, obviously the scale. The invention that’s going on, all these things he really likes and clearly has found a way to continue to top himself. But, you know, I guess if you had to think about who would be the next one, my guess is it would be somebody who probably was a kid who watched the show as a kid because then they’ll have a fundamental understanding of the D.N.A. in a way. And are able to bring that thing that you have when you’ve grown up with it. It sinks into you in a different way.Only time will tell if Michael Bay will indeed leave the multi-billion dollar franchise he started....