Today The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Marvel's Netflix Daredevil showrunner Drew Goddard has been tapped to direct The Sinister Six spin-off over at Sony. In December he was hired to write the screenplay for Sinister Six but now he will also direct the all villains feature film.He also directed the horror-comedy Cabin in the Woods with Avengers director Joss Whedon.
The Sinister Six has had roster changes over the years but so far we know for sure that Rhino (Paul Giamatti), Green Goblin (Dane DeHann) and Electro (Jamie Foxx) will make their debut in the Spider-Man cinematic universe this May in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. What other villians could you see join The Six?
With Daredevil Netflix show being filmed this summer Mr. Goddard has quite a hand in the comic book movie world...