Today Arrow show runner Marc Guggenheim spoke with Collider about the end of the series. They go onto talk about the upcoming Birds of Prey episode that will feature the return of The Huntress. he goes onto admit he would like DC do a comic series on her time away from Arrow:
COLLIDER: Would you like to see more of the Birds of Prey storyline?Maybe they could possibly reboot the failed Birds of Prey spin-off series with Black Canary, Felicity and The Huntress.
GUGGENHEIM: One of the things we would love to do, at some point, is an episode where you’ve got Black Canary, Felicity and The Huntress working together. That’s on our show bucket list. One thing I’ve talked to DC comics about is doing a Huntress series that covers the year that she spent, between Episodes 117 and 217, from her perspective, traveling the world and hunting for her father. All things are possible.
Tune into Arrow tonight on The CW!