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    Wednesday, February 26, 2014

    More Names Join The Shortlist for the 'Masters of the Universe' Director's Chair

    A few months ago we heard that Jon M. Chu had left the Masters of the Universe project for G.I.Joe 3. They Schmoes Know dropped a list of a couple names of directors that may take over including Joe Cornish and Rain Johnson amongst others. Now Variety's Justin Kroll says that Kick-Ass 2 director Jeff Wadlow and Another Earth director Mike Cahill have been added to that list:
    Lest we forget Jeff Wadlow is also hard at work writing and possibly director X-Force over at FOX so maybe already unavailable.

    :: Update :: -
    Right after we posted this story from Variety the guys over at The Wrap added more names to the list of directors for Masters of the Universe. Which include Harald Zwart and Chris McKay.

    Masters of the Universe release date is TBA

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