With 2013 coming to a close next week its time for yet another Top of the Year list. This time we at Superhero Movie News are going to recommend the Top 5 comic book video games you must check out!
Rated M
Deadpool is one fun parody video games. If your expecting a deep intricate story this isn't the game for you. But if your expecting boobs, dubstep and guns you will love this! Featuring the god of all video actors Nolan North as the Merc with a Mouth. Comes one this extremely fun shoot em up. The controls are a little clunky and story is mediocre but it truly captures the awesomeness that is Deadpool.
Rated E
Do you love the Lego Video Game Series? From Star Wars to Indian Jones to Batman and now Marverl Heroes! This is the fun goofy block building game for you! Its as always safe for the entire family while letting you play as the heroes from across the Marvel Universe. You can even play as Stan 'The Man' Lee!
Rated T
Injustice God Among Us is a arena fighting game. In an alternate future Superman goes crazy from the death of Lois Lane and decides all villains must be wiped from the earth. While Batman starts a Resistance to stop Superman. All heroes from the DC Universe pick sides and the battle commences. With a pretty amazing alternate story and costume designs this is the arena game for you. Also is made by the folks behind the Mortal Kombat series. This game is definitely for you if you are into Soulcailber, Mortal Kombat type fighting games. With an extensive collection of DC Heroes to pick from its actually incredible.
Batman: Arkham Origins
Rated T
Batman Arkham Origins was sucha make or break video game. After the guys over at Rocksteady decided not to do another Arkham game after the masterpieces that were Arkham Asylam and Arkham City a small group of developers from WB Montreal stepped in. This time they created a grand slam of a video game (if you can get passed the massive glitches). It follows Batman as he takes on deadly assassins that were sent after him on Christmas Eve by Black Mask. This also shows the origins of Batmans greatest villains like The Joker and The Riddler. Again if you can get passed thr glitches the story line is beyond amazing.