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    Monday, November 11, 2013

    What Comic Artist Will The Batsuit In SUPERMAN/BATMAN Be Influenced By?

    What's up people? How has your day been so far? Good I hope. Now let's get down to why you're really here. Superman/Batman. Even since the announcement at Comic-Con that Superman will be meeting up with Batman in the sequel to Man of Steel, everyone wants to know what is going on with this film. We know that Ben Affleck signed on to play Batman. Everyone wants to know, what will the Batsuit look like. The other day on his weekly podcast, Kevin Smith said this:
    "I saw the costume, more than that I saw him [Ben Affleck] in the costume...I don't want to give anything away cause that is up to them and stuff, but I am going to say this...I instantly bear hugged him. You have not seen this costume in film before. Because every other movie has done this matrixy black armor thing...There wasn't a single nipple on this [bleep]ing suit man. I think everyone is gonna be like 'Holy Shit!' We haven't been down this path before. Even the Hardest core "[bleep] this movie" person will be like 'alright, I'm ready!' 
    If you want to listen to the whole Podcast, Batman-News has a Soundcloud audio tape of it which you could listen to here:

    But there is more. Kevin Smith was asked what does the new Batsuit remind him of. To this, Kevin replied:

    "It seemed like it was very [Redacted] Influenced." 

    We don't know what the bleep said. Now when he does his podcasts, Kevin Smith has audience members. 2 audience members have said that what Kevin Smith really said is:

    "It seemed like it was very Jim Lee Influenced." 

    So Zack Snyder's Batsuit is Jim Lee influenced? Can you believe it??!! I say this due to the fact that the live action films go towards a more all black suit. We've had 7 Batman films with the all black. Fans have been wanting a more comic like Batsuit with black/grey or blue/grey.

    We also know more. Designer Reevz FX  was asked some questions about the Batsuit. He's friends with Jim Lee and it seems like he has seen the Batsuit for Superman/Batman and knows what it looks like. Someone posted a photo that was a figure of a Jim Lee New 52 Batman figure. Reevz FX said the colors of the figure match the colors of the Batsuit Ben Affleck will be wearing. He also added the cowl isn't right. He went on to add that the ears of the Batsuit Ben Affleck will be wearing is very short. He said that Zack Snyder and Ben Affleck are huge fans of The Dark Knight Returns and ended it there.

    So from this information, the Batsuit will look like the Jim Lee New 52 design in terms of color at the least. The ears on the cowl will be short and influenced by The Dark Knight Returns. If you can kind of picture that, it does look like this could be the best Batsuit so far on the big screen. That's all I know for know. Until next time. What are your thoughts on this? Comment below. Peace and remember...

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