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    Monday, November 11, 2013

    Kevin Smith Describes the new Bat Suit in 'Batman vs Superman'

    Yesterday Kevin Smith held a panel with Zack Snyder, Amy Adams and Henry Cavill for the DVD release of Man of Steel. 90% of people who tuned into the live event on Yahoo! Movies were assuming at the end we would get some Batman vs Superman treat....we didn't.

    But moderator Kevin Smith did indeed get to see the designs for the new Bat suit going to be used by Ben Affleck. Here is what he had to say:
    "I saw the costume, more than that I saw him [Ben Affleck] in the costume...I don't want to give anything away cause that is up to them and stuff, but I am going to say this...I instantly bear hugged him. You have not seen this costume in film before. Because every other movie has done this matrixy black armor thing...There wasn't a single nipple on this [frick]ing suit man. I think everyone is gonna be like 'Holy Shit!' We haven't been down this path before. Even the Hardest core "[frick] this movie" person will be like 'alright, I'm ready!'
    He goes onto say:
    "It seemed like it was very [Bleep] Influenced."
    We don't know why it was bleeped. Maybe it was giving to much away. Maybe the new suit is Frank Miller inspired? In a weird way I hope its inspired by the Arkham City games but thats just me.

    Batman vs Superman drops Summer 2015

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