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    Sunday, October 27, 2013

    A 'Loki' Stand-Alone Movie Has Been Discussed At Marvel!

    This should make you Loki Fan girls happy! According to The Daily Superhero Marvel Studios has had at least one discussion about the possibility of a Loki stand-alone film starring Tom Hiddleston. Was it extremely serious? Probably no but the disccuion did take place at least once.

    This all possible thanks to you the fans! With over 28,000 signed petitions online and tons of reporters asking Kevin Feige about this possibility it might come true. Now I seriously doubt it will be in the immediate future. Definitely not before Thor 3 but maybe after Phase 4? Who knows!

    I personally see a Loki One-Shot happening way before a movie but I have nothing to back this up.

    Are you fangirls happy at this news?!

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