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    Sunday, October 27, 2013

    RUMOR: Harrison Ford Signed To a Multi-Picture 'Star Wars' Deal

    According to Jedi News UK Harrison Ford had had verbal agreement to return as Han Solo in the upcoming Star Wars sequels before Disney even acquired Lucasfilm. Now that the legal stuff has been taken care of apparently he is not only signed onto Episode VII but several films after that:

    Ford wanted to see the synopsis for his character's development over more than just Episode 7. He saw this in August and is happy with the story arc.

    Ford wanted a commitment to Indy 5. He did not get this as there is no plot line or script in place. What did happen was an agreement was made wherein an outline would be developed by the end of calendar year 2014, and if all parties can agree to it moving forward, efforts would be made to move on Indy 5 for release before the end of 2016.

    Disney wanted a multi film deal with Ford which transcends Episode 7. This has now been agreed.

    This really shouldn't come as a surprise though should it? The real question is Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill also signed to a multi-picture deal?

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