Today a slew of officially dated films were announced from FOX Studios. First off 21 Jump Street and Foxcatcher star Channing Tatum will finally become the raging cajun in the X-Men spin-off Gambit slated for October 7th, 2016. He is rumored to also have a cameo in X-Men: Apocalypse which debits earlier that year. Finally after numerous delays and rewrites FOX announced that Assassins Creed starring X-Men: Days of Future Past star Micheal Fassbender will hit theaters December 1st, 2016! They also mention that The Fantastic Four 2 will hit a little bit earlier on June 2nd, 2017. FOX lastly announced that the sequel to Dawn of the Planet of the Apes will debut July 14th 2017 with Matt Reeves and Andy Serkis both returning to direct & star.
How do you say October 7, 2016 in Cajun?
— Channing Tatum (@channingtatum) January 6, 2015