That's right folks, Marvel has dropped another bombshell among the comic book movie world tonight.
Sources over at Variety have confirmed that Iron Man star Robert Downey Jr is finishing up negotiations with Marvel to co-star alongside Chris Evans in Captain America 3.
Now this isn't just a cameo, this is a supporting role in the film. The site also got their hands on a synopsis that the film will be centered around, which comes from the Marvel comic storyline Civil War which can put Downey in more films in the future.
The plot will pit Stark against Captain America’s alter-ego Steve Rogers, played by Chris Evans, as they feud over the Superhero Registration Act, which forces anyone with superhuman abilities to reveal their identities to the U.S. government and agree to act as a police force for the authorities. Stark supports the program, but Rogers does not, saying it threatens civil liberties, causing sides to be taken and Rogers, among others, to go on the run to avoid arrest. The moral question and battle with his Avengers teammate essentially makes Stark a villain of sorts in “Captain America 3,” providing Downey with a meaty role he could play out into future Marvel films, including a fourth “Avengers.
Kicking off this storyline will drive the plots of sequels and new franchises for the next seven years leading up to Avengers 4, which will probably showcase the likes of Ant-Man and Doctor Strange leading a brand new team of heroes.
Stay tuned for more