Last month DC announced a slew of untitled release dates for upcoming films yet to be announced. Well, now El Mayimbe of Latino-Review revealed that WB is secretly considering to develop a Legion of Superheros movie after Marvels success with their own unknown property Guardians of the Galaxy:
"According to sources, Warners is quietly sending out the DC comic book Legion Of Superheroes to screenwriters & their reps for takes. For non-industry folks, what that means is that screenwriters check out the comic book and come up for a movie idea involving the characters from that comic. Those writers then go to the studio to pitch their idea. The studio then hires the screenwriter they feel has the best idea or take for the film."

If some of you didn't watch Kids WB there was a cartoon based on the comic series. Starring alongside Superman was Bouncing Boy, Brainiac 5, Lightning Lad, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl & Timber Wolf. Also, Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl and Cosmic Boy have appeared on Smallville.
If this rumor is to become true it will be a while before we get any word on a screenwriter tapped to helm this space adventure.