Superhero! Hype caught up Pacific Rim and Hellboy director Guillermo del Toro about his project at Warner Brothers titled Dark Universe based on the Justice League: Dark comics:
"I'm still working on it. Sandman doesn’t figure in the Dark Universe. We have Deadman, we have the Demon, we have Swamp Thing, we have Zatana, we have Constantine, but DC and Warners have been very clear that they are trying to keep those properties separate so when the time comes they can unite them, once they know they’re quantifiable. Batman, Superman, Green Lantern… everyone eventually will come together. Right now, they’re allowing us independence."So that settled Sandman being produced by Joseph Gordon-Levitt won't be apart of this DC supernatural universe. Guillermo del Toro then went onto reveal that NBC's Constantine TV series won't effect his movie:
"I had that conversation when the Constantine show was pitched. I said, ‘Do I have to have continuity with that?’ and they said, ‘No, feel free to continue the way you’re going."
Dark Universe has yet to have a release date