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    Saturday, March 15, 2014

    'X-Men: Apocalypse' Will Be Set Within The 80's

    In a recent interview with Total Film the director of the upcoming X-Men: days of Future Past and presumably 2016's X-Men: Apocalypse revealed that time period in which the next installment will take place. With First Class in the 60's and Days of Future Past in the 70's. It only makes sense to have Apocalypse set in the 80's. He also says there will be a lot of massive description in this film compared to the other installments:
    We’re going to deal with the notion of ancient mutants – the fact they were born and existed thousands of years ago. But it’ll be a contemporary movie – well, it’ll take place in the ’80s… The ’80s is a period now – it’s hard for me to believe that!

     Apocalypse will have more of the mass destruction that X-Men films, to date, have not relied upon. There’s definitely now a character and a story that allow room for that kind of spectacle… I don’t want to get too specific, but we’ll introduce familiar characters in a younger time. That’ll be fun to show the audience. I call these movies in-between-quels. It’s a mind-fuck sometimes in terms of where things fall in the timeline!
     He also goes onto talk about other story's that he might want to share after X-Men: Apocalypse:
    Yeah, there actually are [more stories I want to tell]. It all stems back to when I did [the first] X-Men. 

    You always want to know where a character’s going to go, what their future’s going be like. You can always sequelise. But on that film I also had actors asking ‘Who am I? Where did my character come from?’ So as a director you always need a backstory to give your actors. It may not be the right backstory, but it’s one you can give the actor to help them understand their character. These prequels are really exciting for me because they give me a chance to explore ideas I came up with more than a decade ago.
     X-Men: Apocalypse hits May 2016

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