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    Tuesday, February 25, 2014

    'The Punisher' Reference in 'Marvel One-Shot: All Hail The King'


    Even though many have known for a while that in the Marvel One-Shot 'All Hail The King' a couple cameo's happen. The obvious being that Seagate Prison in which Trevor Slattery is held in is also the same prison Luke Cage is sentenced to before becoming Power Man. There is also a silly cameo during the mid credit scene which I'll leave for you to discover yourself.

    Yesterday, during an interview with writer and director Drew Pearce also mentioned a brand new cameo that he wasn't sure was even visible but definitely in there. He mentions that its during the beginning when Trevor is walking down a walkway with prison cages on either side. With a bit of digging it turns out a couple crime bosses associated with The Punisher are being incarcerated in there as well!


    After a bit of digging Guido Carboni and Luis Allegre are most famously associated with the Maggia crime family in the Marvel Universe. Carboni is a tough crime boss but Allegre is acutally apart of the same family that murders Frank Castles family. Which turns him into The Punisher.

    Last we seen anything on The Punisher was the spectacular short film "Dirty Laundry" starring former Punisher Thomas Jane as Frank Castle. What does this mean? Maybe this was all done for the upcoming Marvel Street Universe that will be featured on Netflix including Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones. Could Punisher references show up in those series or even a cameo?!

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