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    Wednesday, December 11, 2013

    RUMOR: 'Sons of Anarchy' Charlie Hunnum Being Considered for 'Aquaman' ?

    Well this report is coming out of Left Field. According to Classicalite DC and Warner Brothers are looking at Charlie Hunnum (Sons of Anarchy, Pacific Rim) to play Aquaman in an upcoming Aquaman film and eventually in Justice League. Thank-God it wasn't another Justice Leaguer showing up in Batman vs Superman but I wouldn't rule it out just yet.

    Now a few week ago DC CCO Geoff Johns mentioned that DC is trying to get a Aquaman movie off the ground:
    “He’s a priority character for the company...There is no doubt in my mind that this is one of the most well-known characters among super-heroes, and in popular culture...We are finding new areas in the ocean every day. It’s as alien as going to outer space.”
    He goes onto say...
    “He became a little bit of a joke. Suddenly, he was nobody’s favorite superhero.”
     One of the few things I did enjoy from the Justice League: Mortal script was how Aquaman constantly referred to Wonder Woman simply as 'My Princess' which I hope they bring over to the new script for Justice League. Hunnam was previously rumored for The Flash back before Green Lantern came out and I guess several years later they decided to go with Aquaman? This may just be talks in if  DC HAD to pick an actor they would go with Hunnam. Of course this could also just be speculation on the part of the website...

    We at SMN don't believe this rumor for one second since it seems it came out of no where but the truth still remains was his name popped up before so why not now? Take with a grain of salt until further notice.....

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