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    Saturday, December 14, 2013

    AMC: 24 Hr Movie News Talk Marathon! Raise Money for Philippians Relief

    I doubt the guys over at AMC Movie Talk know this but I'm actually a huge fan of theirs ever since finding them out a couple months ago on YouTube. What AMC Movie Talk (And Mail Bag on Weekends) is, is a roundtable discussion on the days top movie news and their opinions. Its spear headed by AMC Movie News E-i-C John Campea. Check them out on YouTube HERE.

    Now as most of you heard that a major typhoon hit a couple months ago in the Philippians that devastated the people there. Now AMC theaters and John Campea are teaming up to run a 24 Hour LIVE Movie News Marathon to raise money for relief there.  How awesome is that? Talk dorky nerdy movie news and raise money to help those less fortunate!This I thought was very touching and awesome personally.

    Now I'm assuming like their live AMC movie Talk shows it will be on YouTube 24 hours straight. If its up on a website like YouTube where we at SMN can embed the video we will have it playing right on our homepage for your viewing pleasure!

    It begins on January 2nd. So mark your calendars. AMC and the Red Cross have set up a webpage for you to donate your money as well HERE

    So make sure you come back to the Superhero Movie News homepage on January 2nd to listen/watch the AMC Movie Talk roundtable discussion on your favorite nerdy movies!
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