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    Monday, November 24, 2014

    'Game of Thrones' Director Michelle MacLaren Will Helm 'Wonder Woman'

    Today, The Hollywood Reporter announced that Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones Emmy Award winning director Michelle MacLaren will indeed helm DC Comics upcoming Wonder Woman film starring Gal Gadot. This is truly groundbreaking given female directors are unfortunately few and far between in Hollywood. Not only will MacLaren be on a shortlist of female directors to direct a comic book movie. She will be directing one the most famous female superhero of the past century.

    Batman v Superman director Zack Snyder and his wife Deborah will be producing this feature alongside longtime Batman producer Charles Roven. Roven revealed last month that this verison of Wonder Woman will indeed be a demi-god and the daughter of Zeus which follows The New 52 origin.

    Wonder Woman hits in Summer 2017

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