Several days ago El Mayimbe of Latino-Review was on the podcast for The Movie Press to drop a huge Justice League scoop which you can read HERE. He also went onto drop a tinier scoop regarding screenwriters Justin Marks Suicide Squad script. According to the scoop Marks has decided which villains will join Task Force X in this upcoming Suicide Squad movie:
Blockbuster (Mark Desmond), Multiplex (Danton Black), Jewelee, Mindboggler (Leah Wasserman), Captain Boomerang (George Harkness), Vixen (Mari Jiwe McCabe) and Deadshot (Floyd Lawton)It's interesting he didn't go with the comic relief of sorts Harley Quinn who is apart of the Suicide Squad in the New 52.
Of course with the movie still in script phases it will be a while before we get any confirmation on this roster....