We all know that The Avengers 3 will finally be the climatic ending of this on-going Infinity Gauntlet storyline in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Where earth's mightiest heroes will finally learn of the threat of Thanos: the Mad Titan. Will it be the Guardians of the Galaxy who warns earth of this threat? How much is even actually written by Joss Whedon? All these questions we simply don't have an answer for. Well, according to a WWE website PWMania the success of this years Guardians of the Galaxy has seriously jeopardized Dave Bautista's role as The Animal on WWE. They go onto state Marvel is afraid Bautsita may get injured if he returns to the ring. "They feel that he didn’t get what he was promised and feel that WWE dropped the ball by not letting him use some of his own ideas to get himself over. Batista has expressed some of these same frustrations but it’s said that he does want to return. The two sides are in talks but WWE will be coming second to his movie career." They also go onto say Marvel is reconstructing his original contract for him to receive more money then what WWE was going to pay him "Marvel Studios are currently restructuring his contract that will likely see him get more money due to the success of Guardians of the Galaxy." Lastly, they add the reason for the contract renegotiation's is because according to them Dave Bautsita's role as Drax the Destoyer in The Avengers 3 as wel as Guardians of the Galaxy 2 will be extremely significant "Batista is slated for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 as well as the 3rd Avengers movie, where he will have a significant role."
With the revelation at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy that Drax is actually hunting Thanos (Josh Brolin) and not Ronan for his family's death. Will we finally get that all important battle between the two gods in the Annihilation story arc? Also, if the Guardians are the only ones aware of Thanos at some point they need to warn The Avengers.
Since this is not coming from a trade website chalk this up as a rumor for now...
The Avengers 3 is rumored to hit in 2018