Andrew Garfield is easily the best Spider-Man in one of the worst Spider-Man movies to date. Many non-comic book fans loved the most recent web-slinger flick enough that it grossed over $700 Million at the world wide box office. But the core comic book fans rank it just above Spider-Man 3 with that oh so terrible emo Parker. Now Amazing Spider-Man 3 has been pushed back to 2018 with The Sinister Six getting its time to shine in 2016. Why? Because of the higher ups at Sony. Andrew Garfield tells The Daily Beast
"When you have something that works as a whole, and then you start removing portions of it saying…, No that doesn’t work, then the thread is broken, and it’s hard to go with the flow of the story. Certain people at the studio, had problems with certain parts and ultimately the studio has the final say in those movies, because they’re the tentpoles, so you answer to those people"Now the only real scenes we know was cut was the scenes with then cast Mary Jane Watson played by Shaliene Woodley. But in the end The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was a gimmick for Sony to lead directly into The Sinister Six. This was their throw away film to flesh out their own cinematic universe and unfortunately it failed to let Spidey shine at all.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is on DVD & Blu-Ray Today